International Strategy at HEQAC

HEQAC has the following international strategy:

Strategic Plan D – January 2023
Goal 4 -Quality and accreditation services.

  1. Provide accreditation services for HEIs.
  2. Provide programmatic accreditation for higher education programs
  3. Provide institutional accreditation for higher education institutions.
  4. Support the development of and recognize the first steps into leadership.
  5. Provide certification services for post-secondary education programs.
  6. Increase the amount of advanced educational content.

Strategic Plan E – June 2023
Goal 5 – Be open to the world

  1. Help our members to apply quality policies.
  2. Increase participation in the Annual Meetings.
  3. Increase the use of technology tools in quality assurance.
  4. Increase the quality of the HEQAC publications.
  5. Provide scholarships for candidates who show great interest in quality assurance and quality control.
  6. Provide financial aid for candidates who plan to promote quality at their institutions.
  7. Expand the HEQAC membership.